Video advertising has become an integral part of digital marketing strategies, captivating audiences and driving brand awareness. To efficiently deliver video ads across various platforms and devices, an industry-standard technology known as VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) has emerged. In this article, we will delve into the world of VAST, exploring its functionalities, benefits, and providing examples to illustrate its impact on video advertising campaigns.

What is VAST?

VAST is a standardized protocol developed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) that facilitates the seamless delivery of video ads to video players. It acts as a communication bridge between ad servers and video players, ensuring compatibility and uniformity across different platforms.

How Does VAST Work?

  1. Ad Request: When a video player is ready to display an ad, it sends an ad request to the ad server, containing information such as the available ad slots, video player size, and any targeting parameters.
  2. Ad Response: The ad server responds to the request with a VAST XML file that contains information about the available video ads. This file includes details such as the ad creative, duration, tracking URLs, and ad impressions.
  3. Parsing and Ad Selection: The video player parses the VAST XML file, extracting relevant information and selecting an appropriate ad to display based on criteria like ad relevance, targeting parameters, and available inventory.
  4. Ad Playback: Once the video player selects an ad, it begins the playback process. The VAST XML file provides instructions on how to display the ad, including the video file URL, companion banners, and any interactive elements.

Example of VAST tag:

<VAST version="4.1">
  <Ad id="123456">
      <AdSystem>Example Ad Server</AdSystem>
      <AdTitle>Example VAST Ad</AdTitle>
              <MediaFile delivery="progressive" type="video/mp4" width="640" height="360">
        <Tracking event="start">
        <Tracking event="complete">

In this example, the VAST tag contains the necessary elements for a basic linear video ad. It specifies the version of VAST being used (4.1) and includes an Ad ID for identification purposes.

The <InLine> element contains information about the ad, such as the ad system used (Example Ad Server) and the ad title.

The <Impression> element specifies the URL where the impression tracking pixel should be fired.

The <Creatives> section contains the creative elements for the ad. In this case, it includes a <Linear> creative, which represents a linear video ad that plays from start to finish.

Within the <Linear> creative, the <Duration> element indicates the duration of the video ad (30 seconds), and the <MediaFiles> section provides the URL and details of the media file (video/mp4, 640×360) to be played.

The <TrackingEvents> section includes tracking URLs for specific events. In this example, it includes tracking URLs for the start and complete events, which would be fired when the ad starts playing and when it reaches completion, respectively.

This is a simplified example, but VAST tags can contain additional elements and more complex structures to support features such as companions, overlays, and interactive elements in video ads.

Benefits of VAST:

  1. Cross-Platform Compatibility: VAST ensures that video ads can be delivered consistently across various platforms, including desktop, mobile, and connected TV devices.
  2. Targeting Capabilities: VAST allows for precise targeting by incorporating parameters such as demographics, location, and user behavior, maximizing ad relevance and effectiveness.
  3. Tracking and Measurement: VAST provides robust tracking capabilities, allowing advertisers to gather data on ad impressions, viewability, click-through rates, and other essential metrics for campaign optimization.


VAST plays a crucial role in the successful delivery of video ads, enabling seamless communication between ad servers and video players. By adhering to industry standards, VAST ensures compatibility and consistent user experiences across different platforms. Its benefits, including cross-platform compatibility, targeting capabilities, and robust tracking, empower advertisers to create engaging video ad campaigns that reach the right audience at the right time.

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