Lossless Audio: Formats, Compression, Encoding with FFmpeg, and Industry Needs

In today’s digital era, audio plays a significant role in our lives, be it music, podcasts, or other forms of entertainment. While we often enjoy […]

Difference between compressed and uncompressed audio

The main distinction between compressed and uncompressed audio formats lies in the way they store and represent audio data. Here are the key differences explained […]

Dolby Atmos in Streaming: Unlocking Immersive Audio Experiences

Streaming platforms have revolutionized the way we consume media, bringing entertainment to our fingertips. However, the full potential of audio immersion has often been limited […]

Understanding VAST: Enhancing Video Advertising with Dynamic Ad Insertion

Video advertising has become an integral part of digital marketing strategies, captivating audiences and driving brand awareness. To efficiently deliver video ads across various platforms […]

Opus Codec: A Powerful Audio Compression Standard for High-Quality Streaming and Communication

Introduction Opus is a highly versatile and efficient audio codec that has been widely adopted for a variety of applications, including VoIP, online gaming, live […]

How to extract audio from video using ffmpeg?

To remove the video and extract only the audio from a video file using ffmpeg, you can use the following command: ffmpeg -i input_video.mp4 -vn […]