FFMPEG is a powerful tool for working with video and audio files, offering a wide range of features for encoding, decoding, transcoding, and manipulating media. One of the most common tasks that FFMPEG is used for is scaling video, which involves resizing the video to fit different screen sizes or aspect ratios. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and tricks for scaling video with FFMPEG, along with examples to help you achieve optimal results.

Understanding Video Scaling with FFMPEG

Before we dive into the tips and tricks for scaling video with FFMPEG, let’s take a moment to understand how video scaling works. In FFMPEG, scaling is achieved by applying a filter to the video stream. The filter is responsible for resizing the frames in the video, along with other adjustments such as cropping or padding to maintain the aspect ratio.

There are two main types of scaling that you can perform with FFMPEG: upscaling and downscaling. Upscaling involves increasing the resolution of the video, while downscaling involves decreasing the resolution. Each of these types of scaling has its own challenges and considerations.

Tips and Tricks for Upscaling Video with FFMPEG

Upscaling video with FFMPEG can be a tricky process, as it involves adding new pixels to the video that weren’t present in the original. Here are some tips and tricks to help you achieve the best results when upscaling video with FFMPEG:

  1. Use Lanczos scaling: FFMPEG offers several scaling algorithms, but Lanczos is widely regarded as the best for upscaling. This algorithm uses a more advanced interpolation technique to produce sharper and more detailed results.
  2. Adjust the filter parameters: When applying the scaling filter, you can adjust several parameters to control the quality and appearance of the upscaled video. For example, you can adjust the filter strength or sharpening to enhance the details in the video.
  3. Consider using noise reduction: When upscaling video, noise can become more noticeable and pronounced. To reduce the impact of noise, you can apply a noise reduction filter before or after the scaling filter.

Part 3: Tips and Tricks for Downscaling Video with FFMPEG Downscaling video with FFMPEG is often easier than upscaling, as it involves removing pixels rather than adding them. However, there are still some considerations to keep in mind to achieve optimal results:

  1. Use a good quality downscaling filter: Just like with upscaling, FFMPEG offers several scaling filters to choose from. For downscaling, the bicubic filter is a good choice, as it produces smooth and natural-looking results.
  2. Consider cropping the video: If you’re downscaling the video to a much smaller resolution, you may want to consider cropping the video to remove any unnecessary content. This can help to maintain the clarity and quality of the remaining content.
  3. Adjust the filter parameters: As with upscaling, you can adjust the parameters of the scaling filter to achieve the best results for your specific video.

Part 4: Examples of Video Scaling with FFMPEG To help illustrate the tips and tricks we’ve discussed, let’s look at some examples of video scaling with FFMPEG:

Upscaling a 720p video to 1080p:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=1920x1080:flags=lanczos -c:a copy output.mp4

This command uses the Lanczos scaling algorithm to upscale a 720p video to 1080p. The output video will be in the same aspect ratio as the input, but with more detail and clarity.

Downscaling a 4K video to 1080p:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=1920x1080:flags=bicubic -c:a copy output.mp4

This command uses the bicubic scaling algorithm to downscale a 4K video to 1080p. The output video will be in the same aspect ratio as the input, but with a smaller resolution and smoother appearance.

Upscaling a video and applying noise reduction:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "scale=1920x1080:flags=lanczos, noise_reduction=20:2" -c:a copy output.mp4

This command uses the Lanczos scaling algorithm to upscale a video to 1080p and then applies a noise reduction filter to reduce the impact of noise. The parameters for the noise reduction filter are set to reduce noise by 20% with a strength of 2.


Scaling video with FFMPEG can be a challenging process, but by using the right techniques and filters, you can achieve optimal results for your specific video. Whether you’re upscaling or downscaling, it’s important to experiment with different parameters and filters to find the best combination for your needs. With the tips and tricks we’ve discussed in this article, you should be well on your way to scaling video like a pro with FFMPEG.

Thanks for reading.

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