To convert a Python script to an executable, you can use a package such as PyInstaller or cx_Freeze. Here are the general steps to follow:

Install PyInstaller or cx_Freeze using pip. For example, to install PyInstaller, you can run the following command in your terminal:

pip install pyinstaller
  • Navigate to the directory where your Python script is located using the terminal or command prompt.
  • Run the following command to create a standalone executable:
pyinstaller --onefile

If you want to customise the icon of your executable, you can use the --icon option followed by the path to your icon file. For example:

pyinstaller --onefile --icon=your_icon.ico

How to run in windows?

This will create a standalone executable file named your_script.exe in a dist directory.

How to run in linux?

To run the executable from the terminal, navigate to the directory where the executable is located using the terminal or command prompt, and then type the name of the executable followed by any command-line arguments that your script expects. For example:


If your script expects command-line arguments, you can pass them after the name of the executable, separated by spaces. For example:

./your_script arg1 arg2

Note that the exact command to run the executable may depend on your operating system and how you created the executable. For example, on Windows, you may need to type your_script.exe instead of ./your_script. Check the documentation of the package you used to create the executable for more information on how to run it from the terminal.

Note: The --onefile option tells PyInstaller to create a single executable file that includes all the necessary dependencies.

You can also add additional options to PyInstaller to customize the behavior of the executable. For example, you can use the --noconsole option to create a GUI application without a console window. You can find more information on the available options in the PyInstaller documentation.

Once the executable has been created, you can distribute it to other users who do not have Python installed on their computer. They can simply double-click the executable to run your script.

Thank you for reading.

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