Exploring the Mysteries of Our Universe: A Journey through Space

Introduction The universe is vast and full of mysteries that continue to intrigue scientists and astronomers. Space exploration has always fascinated humans, from the first […]

Top 10 Python Libraries for Data Science in 2023

Data science is the field of extracting insights and knowledge from data. Python is one of the most widely used programming languages in data science, […]

How to Fix Common Windows Desktop Issues?

Windows is one of the most widely used operating systems in the world, and it’s no surprise that many users experience issues with their desktops […]

TOI-257b: A Hot New Planet Sheds Light on the Diversity of the Universe

Astronomers have made an exciting new discovery in the field of exoplanet research. A new planet, TOI-257b, has been found orbiting a star outside our […]

The Rise of Full-Stack Development in India

Full-stack development has become a buzzword in the world of web development, and India is no exception. As businesses seek to improve their online presence, […]

Exploring the Growing Demand for Python Programming in India

Python programming language has been gaining immense popularity in India over the last few years. With its simple syntax, readability, and versatility, Python has become […]

How to extract audio from video using ffmpeg?

To remove the video and extract only the audio from a video file using ffmpeg, you can use the following command: ffmpeg -i input_video.mp4 -vn […]

How to setup a web server with nginx-rtmp module and python using docker?

Here are the steps to create a web server with tiangolo/nginx-rtmp module and Python, where RTMP is served on port 1935 and Python on port […]

How to convert python script to executable in linux and windows

To convert a Python script to an executable, you can use a package such as PyInstaller or cx_Freeze. Here are the general steps to follow: […]

Best video bit rate for different resolutions in livestream

The best bitrate for a livestream scenario depends on several factors, such as the resolution of the video, the complexity of the scene, the available […]