Ultra-low latency streaming refers to the transmission of video content with minimal delay, enabling real-time interaction between content creators and viewers. Achieving ultra-low latency involves optimizing various components, including codecs and streaming protocols. This article will provide an overview of key considerations and demonstrate examples using FFmpeg, a powerful multimedia framework.

Key Considerations for Ultra-Low Latency Streaming:

  1. Codec Selection: Choosing a codec with low encoding and decoding latency is crucial. Codecs like H.264, H.265 (HEVC), or VP9 offer efficient compression and relatively low latency.
  2. Bitrate Control: Employing a variable bitrate (VBR) control mechanism instead of constant bitrate (CBR) can help reduce latency, as it allows the encoder to allocate more bits to complex frames.
  3. Chunked Encoding: Dividing the video into smaller segments (chunks) and encoding them independently can reduce latency. Chunks can be immediately transmitted and decoded by the client, improving the overall latency.
  4. Streaming Protocol: Using a low-latency streaming protocol like WebRTC (Real-Time Communication) or Low-Latency HLS (LL-HLS) can further minimize latency.

Achieving Ultra-Low Latency Streaming with FFmpeg: FFmpeg is a versatile command-line tool that can be used to encode, decode, and stream multimedia content. Here are some examples of how FFmpeg can be utilized to achieve ultra-low latency streaming:

  1. FFmpeg Encoding Example:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -c:a aac -f flv rtmp://your-streaming-server.com/your-stream-key

This command encodes the input video using the libx264 codec with ultrafast preset and zerolatency tune for minimal latency. The audio is encoded using AAC codec. The output is then streamed to an RTMP server.

  1. FFmpeg Decoding Example:
ffmpeg -i rtmp://your-streaming-server.com/your-stream-key -c:v copy -c:a copy -f flv output.flv

This command decodes the incoming RTMP stream and saves it as an FLV file. The copy option (-c:v copy, -c:a copy) ensures that the video and audio streams are copied without re-encoding, reducing latency.

How apple achieves Low-Latency HTTP Live Streaming?

Apple achieves low-latency HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) through their Low-Latency HLS (LL-HLS) protocol, which reduces the latency between the video source and playback. LL-HLS incorporates several techniques to minimize latency:

  1. Chunked Encoding: Apple divides the video content into smaller chunks, typically 3-5 seconds in duration, allowing for faster transmission and reduced latency compared to traditional HLS.
  2. Partial Segments: LL-HLS introduces partial segment updates, where only the changed portions of a video segment are transmitted, rather than re-transmitting the entire segment. This further reduces latency by minimizing data transfer.
  3. Playlist Delta Updates: Instead of updating the entire playlist for each new segment, LL-HLS updates only the necessary parts of the playlist, such as the segment URL and timestamp. This optimization reduces overhead and latency.
  4. HTTP/2: LL-HLS leverages the HTTP/2 protocol, which allows for concurrent multiplexed requests over a single connection. This improves efficiency and reduces latency by eliminating the need to establish multiple connections for each segment.
  5. Low-Latency Media Segments: Apple recommends using smaller media segments, such as 1-second segments, to achieve even lower latency. However, this may require additional server-side optimizations and considerations.

By combining these techniques, Apple’s LL-HLS protocol significantly reduces the end-to-end latency in HTTP Live Streaming, making it suitable for interactive and real-time applications such as live sports, gaming, and live auctions. LL-HLS is supported on Apple devices and platforms, providing a seamless low-latency streaming experience for users.


To produce low-latency HTTP Live Streaming (LL-HLS) using Apple’s recommended techniques, you would typically need a media encoder that supports LL-HLS and an LL-HLS-compatible streaming server. Here is an example of the commands involved in the LL-HLS workflow:

  1. Encoding the Video: Assuming you have an input video file named “input.mp4” and an LL-HLS-compatible media encoder, the following command can be used to encode the video with LL-HLS settings:
mediaserverencoder --input input.mp4 --output output.m3u8 --segment-duration 1 --partial-segment --delta-update

This command encodes the “input.mp4” video into LL-HLS format and produces an output playlist file “output.m3u8”. The options “–segment-duration 1” sets the segment duration to 1 second, “–partial-segment” enables partial segment updates, and “–delta-update” enables playlist delta updates.

  1. Setting Up an LL-HLS-Compatible Streaming Server: Assuming you have an LL-HLS-compatible streaming server like Apple’s HTTP Live Streaming Server, you would typically need to configure it to serve the LL-HLS content. The specific configuration steps may vary depending on the server software you are using.
  2. Serving the LL-HLS Content: Once your LL-HLS-compatible streaming server is set up, you can serve the LL-HLS content using the following command:
httpserver --root /path/to/llhls/content --port 8080

This command starts an HTTP server that serves the LL-HLS content from the specified root directory (“/path/to/llhls/content”) on port 8080. Make sure to replace the path with the actual path to your LL-HLS content directory.

  1. Accessing the LL-HLS Stream: To access the LL-HLS stream, you can use a web browser or an LL-HLS-compatible player. Simply open the URL of your streaming server, followed by the LL-HLS playlist file:

Replace “your-server-url” with the actual URL or IP address of your streaming server. This will initiate the LL-HLS playback in the player or browser that supports LL-HLS.

Note: The provided commands are examples, and the actual commands and options may vary depending on the specific LL-HLS encoder, streaming server, and software you are using. Consult the documentation of your encoder and server for precise instructions and available options.

Is this possible with ffmpeg?

Yes, it is possible to achieve low-latency HTTP Live Streaming (LL-HLS) using FFmpeg. FFmpeg has added support for LL-HLS since version 4.0. Here is an example of the FFmpeg command to produce LL-HLS:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -c:a aac -hls_time 1 -hls_playlist_type event -hls_flags single_file output.m3u8

Explanation of the command:

  • -i input.mp4: Specifies the input video file.
  • -c:v libx264: Sets the video codec to libx264, which is widely supported and provides efficient compression.
  • -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency: Configures the encoder for low-latency encoding.
  • -c:a aac: Sets the audio codec to AAC.
  • -hls_time 1: Sets the segment duration to 1 second. You can adjust this value as per your requirements.
  • -hls_playlist_type event: Specifies the playlist type as “event,” which means it will not be updated once created. This is suitable for LL-HLS.
  • -hls_flags single_file: Generates a single-file HLS playlist instead of separate media and master playlists.

After running this command, FFmpeg will generate an LL-HLS playlist file named output.m3u8, along with the associated media segments. You can serve this LL-HLS content using an HTTP server.

Note: FFmpeg’s LL-HLS support may depend on the specific version and build configuration of FFmpeg you are using. Ensure that your FFmpeg version includes LL-HLS support by checking the documentation or running ffmpeg -h.


Achieving ultra-low latency streaming involves careful consideration of codec selection, bitrate control, chunked encoding, and streaming protocols. FFmpeg provides a flexible solution for encoding, decoding, and streaming multimedia content with minimal latency. By utilizing appropriate settings and optimizations in FFmpeg, it is possible to achieve ultra-low latency streaming for real-time applications.

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